Saturday, May 14, 2011

Think like a child

Think like a child – H.S. Bhanwar
Yes, this quote may seem foolish, childish or weird, but believe me it works. People working in the fields of - art, design, innovations, writings, films, ads or journalism could do better following this quote. For people who do not belong to these fields of work, the quote may still bring a cute smile to their faces. My master in journalism and the great writer Mr. H.S. Bhanwar always guided me in his own unique ways. The emphasis was always ‘Think like a child’. I was surprised and once inquired that journalism is not child's play - how can this idea work or be applied to journalism?

He smiled nicely and said "in rainy days moist marks (dampness) generally appear on the walls?"

I said, “Yes they do"

He continued asked, "what do you call these moist marks on wall?"

I replied”slightly, moist marks, what else?"

He smiled and again asked "what could a 4 or 5 year old child reply to this question?"

I shook my head and shrugged my shoulders.

He said, "The child will find different shapes in these water marks. He/she will say, oh this is an elephant, a duck, an aero plane etc." I smiled broadly.

Mr. bhanwar said "everyone can see what is visible. If you want a unique place try to look beyond the picture and think differently". I started followed this, and today I am enjoy a better place among my colleges and rival journalists. One more thing about children, they learn quickly than grownups. A child's mind is always ready to learn or grab new things.


  1. Great start, wonderful article - so proud of you!

  2. This is the way to think Think Unique......
