Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Hope never dies…

Being a journalist I have to roam around the city hunting for news. In my city Ludhiana, the Manchester of India, the six laning project of
Ludhiana-Ferozepur highway is on full swing. The constructor has cut down many huge trees which were growing on the pavements. As a nature loving person, the destruction of trees was a painful moment. On the road I put a stop to the ignition of my bike, parked it and went near the debris of fallen trees to console them. I was sorry the constructor thought the cutting down of trees was necessary for widening of the road.
What I saw there, left my eyes open wide. I saw new saplings growing from the mown down trunks of the fallen trees.
Ahh… what a feeling. I can’t express it in words. But I got a lesson from the saplings. Never ever give up, even if you are fully destroyed. There is always hope to grow and achieve your heights again. Only if you are willing to do so.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Smallest matter most

In my childhood I was always fascinated by small ants roaming around the house. They keep on running about and also touch each
other with their small antennae. Sometimes I set up obstacles on their path, but they always found their way through it all.

Today as the man of the house, earning bread and butter for my family, I still remember those ants. I realise now that they are not just ants but also my mentors, I have learnt many lifelessons observing their behaviour.

Sometimes I get so frustrated by obstacles or unfavourable situations, I tend to rest my head on my desk - feeling completely helpless. The only thing that comes to mind is that I cannot do anything in this situation. Not just me, but thousands like me express their frustration in the samy way during hard times. Remember the mischief of barring the way of ants by setting up obstacles in their way? Do they stop? No way! They never give up and find their way through barriers.

As a child I was fascinated by the behaviour of ants. I found them to be very interesting and I used to see them enlarged under a magnifying glass. I found they always seemed busy, rushing here and there for food. I found crossing each other they would stop for a fraction of a second and tap each other’s head with their antennae . During my high school I learnt that ants do actually have a way of communicating by tapping their antennas. I grabbed a lesson here - no matter how busy we are in our daily routine, we must find time to communicate with our friends and those who do care for us.

Planning for the future is another lesson I have learned from the little ants. Ants keep collecting food and store it for rainy days. This is their attempt at future planning. Gives us humans a clear indication to also plan for our future. Remember the old story of the ants and the grasshopper? Remember the ants ~ smallest matter most!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Who is Important

Who is an important person? Ask yourselves a few simple questions.

1. Name five former presidents of the US?

2. Who invented the mobile phone, laptop and I-pod?

3. Name the five models who won the miss universe title? … Tough question??? Ok... Name five models who won the miss world title? Still tough… ok … Name five Miss India title holders…???

4. Name five astronauts who walked on the moon?

5. Name the five richest people in the world ?

There are very few people who have these names on their fingertips, because the people idenified in the questions above become news or grab your attention for a maximum of two or three days only.

Now answer some more simple questions …

1. Name the teacher who helped you to improve in studies?

2. Name the person whom you love?

3. Name the person who loves you more?

4. Name the person who helped you when nobody helped you?

5. Name the person with whom you want to share every moment of your life?

I am sure that everyone can answer these questions before they blink.

Remember people are more important - those we care or those who care for us. This is because we can find them near us whenever we need them. The big achievers are important just to improve your knowledge or may be as an examples or someone’s role model. But the persons who are a part of our lives but have no great social status, they are hugely important to improve our lives.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Try a smile... It really works!!

I used to buy cakes and bakes from a very small bakery near my office. The area of shop is not more than 6”X10”. There are several other bakery shops there; some are quite big and well decorated. But I hardly visit them.

The thing which attracts me is this particular small bakery owner’s behavior. He always welcomes his customers with a broad smile and speaks in a very decent manner. He knows the name of all regulars who visit.

He knows me very well. He knows I am a journalist, he calls me ‘bau ji’ with respect. He deals directly with all customers and welcomes their complaints and suggestions with that same broad smile. He also gives suggestions while choosing products.

Once on a regular visit to the bakery I asked him the secret behind his broad smile. He smiled again in broad way and unfolded his secret with me. He said,”bau ji I am very confident about my products. They are fresh and hygienic. That’s why the customers visit again and again. Only those people complain, who are unsatisfied in general and always complaints about everything. I never ignore them and I even try to satisfy them and their complaints.

A smile really works, and it comes from inner confidence.

One more thing I remember about smiles - if a smile lasting seconds makes a photograph so beautiful then think how smiling every single day could make life so much more beautiful...

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Hare and the tortoise

Every one knows the childhood tale about the race between the hare and the tortoise, in which the hare took a nap and the tortoise won the race...

The moral is clear never underestimate your rivals and don’t sleep before you finish the race....

Have a sound sleep, but wake up early in the morning and start your work timely, this is the today’s quote. Things have really changed. ‘The fittest will survive’ rule is implemented.

Don’t panic, be calm. Try to make your own luck - do not depend on the skills of the tortoise. Go to bed early and have a sound sleep. But remember to be get up early in the morning. Exercise daily, have a healthy breakfast and get to work. Remember if you will be healthy, only than you can face the competition.

Have a nap when you really need it, but remember the story of the hare and the tortoise...

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Think like a child

Think like a child – H.S. Bhanwar
Yes, this quote may seem foolish, childish or weird, but believe me it works. People working in the fields of - art, design, innovations, writings, films, ads or journalism could do better following this quote. For people who do not belong to these fields of work, the quote may still bring a cute smile to their faces. My master in journalism and the great writer Mr. H.S. Bhanwar always guided me in his own unique ways. The emphasis was always ‘Think like a child’. I was surprised and once inquired that journalism is not child's play - how can this idea work or be applied to journalism?

He smiled nicely and said "in rainy days moist marks (dampness) generally appear on the walls?"

I said, “Yes they do"

He continued asked, "what do you call these moist marks on wall?"

I replied”slightly, moist marks, what else?"

He smiled and again asked "what could a 4 or 5 year old child reply to this question?"

I shook my head and shrugged my shoulders.

He said, "The child will find different shapes in these water marks. He/she will say, oh this is an elephant, a duck, an aero plane etc." I smiled broadly.

Mr. bhanwar said "everyone can see what is visible. If you want a unique place try to look beyond the picture and think differently". I started followed this, and today I am enjoy a better place among my colleges and rival journalists. One more thing about children, they learn quickly than grownups. A child's mind is always ready to learn or grab new things.